How Rust Can Be Prevented
Cleaning Tip of the Day
Garden tools, and other metal items that get wet all get rusty if steps are not taken to prevent it. Once rusty, there are simple ways to remove the rust.
A hint from carpenters … Continue Reading
Interesting facts, trivia, news, and other information about home, gardening, pets, health and more.
Cleaning Tip of the Day
Garden tools, and other metal items that get wet all get rusty if steps are not taken to prevent it. Once rusty, there are simple ways to remove the rust.
A hint from carpenters … Continue Reading
Cleaning Tip of the Day
Borax is an excellent natural cleaner and deodorizer for carpets.
Be aware that, if ingested, borax can sicken dogs and cats. Keep them safely away while cleaning.
Mix equal amounts of borax with baking … Continue Reading
Cleaning Tip of the Day
The smell of a living Christmas tree makes the holiday more festive. However, live trees produce sap which can soil floors and carpets. Christmas tree sap is easy to remove with these tips.
On … Continue Reading
For those who like fruit-flavored syrups as an alternative to the old standby maple syrup, try making it at home. It will save money, taste as good, or better, and is so easy to make!
This syrup is delicious … Continue Reading
Cleaning Tip of the Day
Ants in the house are mostly a nuisance rather than a threat. They are looking for food crumbs, especially from sugar and sweet treats. Bay leaves are one plant that ants dislike.
There are … Continue Reading