Creative Yard Sale Ideas

Creative Yard Sale Ideas

How Do I Prepare for a Yard Sale

The best way to prepare for a yard sale is to take a weekend and visit yard sales in your area. Make notes of what attracted you to particular sales, and also notes of what you disliked about the sales you visited. Then use those notes when planning your yard sale.

Do not rush when planning a yard sale. The longer you take time to sort, clean, price and arrange your items the more money you will make. If your sale looks professional, it will attract more people and sell more. If your sale looks like it was thrown together at a moment’s notice, it will sell less.

Best Way To Sell Clothes at a Yard Sale

Using a clothing rack to display clothing is probably going to be your best option. It keeps clothing off the ground, makes it very easy to sort through & most of all, it looks the most organized.

Tie a makeshift clothesline between 2 trees if trees are available.

Plastic bins or tubs can be used for small items like mittens, gloves, and socks. Just be sure to have the pairs of items connected securely.

Heavier items like jeans can be placed neatly on a tarp on the grass.

Place two old ladders or sawhorses far enough apart and place an old piece of pipe or a wooden dowel between them.

How To Organize Garage Sale Items

Hang items by size, gender, and type of item. Hang dresses together, blouses together, etc.

Put baby and toddler size clothing on tables. It’s easier than hanging small items.

Turn plastic totes and cardboard boxes upside down to use as small tables. Place a piece of plywood on them to use as a table.

To make a shelf for folded items use a board plank on two overturned garbage cans or sawhorses.

For many more tips like these see 200 Plus Tips For A Successful Garage Sale.

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Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2019

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