Chamomile is excellent for a dog’s dry skin. When chamomile is included with an organic oatmeal shampoo for dogs the combination is unbeatable for the health of a dog’s skin and hair.
If your dog is allergic to plants in the aster family, don’t use chamomile. According to veterinarians Steven Marsden, Shawn Messonnier, and Cheryl Yuill, an allergy to to chamomile in dogs is very slight.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends that chamomile tea be made from ready to use tea bags or loose chamomile flowers
purchased in bulk or grown in your garden.
Chamomile relieves inflammation from allergies, flea bites, and any other causes of irritated skin. Apply cold chamomile tea with a cotton ball or spray on irritated areas of skin. Some dogs are afraid of sprays so a cotton ball or soft cloth may be better. The comfort of your touch will help too.
For minor infections of the eye or skin use a warm chamomile tea bag.
Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and an astringent. It can be used for eczema, poison ivy, insect bites, skin infections, hot spots, small wounds, and itching.
Chamomile with an oatmeal shampoo is excellent for general use and care of skin and hair. Don’t bathe your dog too often because bathing strips the skin of natural oils. Vet Info recommends shampoos with oatmeal, vitamin E, wheat germ oil, aloe vera, and omega-e fatty acids for dry skin.
For dogs with dehydrated skin a bit of olive oil added to the chamomile will help to moisturize irritated dry skin.
Lastly, it is essential that your dog has water to drink all day. Water is necessary to keep your dog’s skin hydrated.
For more information on dog care read:
All Natural Dry Shampoo for Dogs
Winter Dog Foot Care
Baking Soda for Dogs
Soft Dog Feet
Dog Paw Facts
Deicer Safe for Pets
Click here for a great assortment of chamomile shampoos for dogs at Amazon
Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2018