Baking Soda for Dogs

Baking Soda for Dogs

Pet Tip of the Day

Baking soda is a pantry staple that helps provide natural relief for itchy skin and other problems dog owners face every day.

A baking soda paste can be applied to itchy rashes, insect bites, and small inflamed skin. Apply the paste and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse off with a moistened washcloth.

Baking soda can be used as a dry shampoo. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into the pet’s hair. Massage gently. After 5 to 10 minutes, brush out the powder. Remove as much baking powder as possible. If eaten, small amounts cause no problems.

Baking soda can be used as a septic pencil or powder when cutting a dog’s toenails. Put the injured nail into the baking powder and apply pressure until the bleeding stops.

According to veterinarians, for tummy troubles, a small amount of baking soda can be used for a dog’s upset stomach. Administer 60 minutes after the dog has finished eating.

Sprinkle baking powder into a dog’s bedding and vacuum 30 minutes later. The dog’s bedding will smell fresh and clean.

For more information on dog care read:

All Natural Dry Shampoo for Dogs
Winter Dog Foot Care
Soft Dog Feet
Dog Paw Facts
Chamomile for a Dog’s Dry Skin
Deicer Safe for Pets

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2021

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