Winter Dog Foot Care

Winter Dog Foot Care

In the winter, a dog’s paws can become dry, sore, chapped, or frostbitten. Walking on snow, ice, deicers, and salt all contribute to these painful conditions. The irritated feet can lead the dog to lick and chew their paws, which can further damage the paw pads. Deicers can also be toxic.


Balms made from natural oils like coconut, jojoba oil, olive, shea butter, oatmeal, rosemary, and other natural oils and herbs can soothe the inflammation and keep the paws moisturized.

Booties or waterproof socks are an excellent way to keep your dog’s paws protected from the outdoor elements. If the dog refuses to wear footwear, then always wash the dog’s feet when coming in from a walk.

Petroleum jelly or a paw protection wax should be rubbed onto the paws before going outside, and a moisturizing balm applied when coming back inside.

Read More:

Deicer Safe for Pets
Dog Paw Facts
How To Remove Gum From Paw
Soft Dog Feet
All Natural Dry Shampoo for Dogs
Baking Soda for Dogs
Chamomile for a Dog’s Dry Skin

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2019

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