Blue Plate For Weight Loss

Blue Plate For Weight Loss

Health Tip of the Day

Eating from a blue plate will aid weight loss with a minimal amount of effort or extra willpower.

A Cornell University study showed that those eating food on a plate that matches the color of the food caused a 22 percent increase in consumption. Since most foods are not blue, the contrast of food on a blue plate provides a feeling of fullness sooner because the food is emphasized creating the feeling that more food was eaten.

Very few foods are naturally blue. The color blue conjures up visions of mold and poisonous substances. Blueberries, blue corn, and blue potatoes, are the few foods that people feel safe eating.

The color blue is an appetite suppressant. As a result, some weight loss programs encourage members to eat from blue plates.

Of all possible colors, dark blue proved to be the most effective in suppressing appetites with the lowest quantity of food eaten.

For dieters trying to lower calories, it is possible to use blue food coloring to dye foods that aren’t naturally blue. The foods will look less appealing. Some people go so far as to add a little black dye to produce a darker blue that is even more effective in yielding quicker satiety.

Besides eating from blue dishware, suggestions include putting a blue light bulb in the refrigerator to make foods look less appetizing.

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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