Borax as Weed Killer

Borax as Weed Killer

Gardening Tip of the Day

Borax, wet or dry, can be used as a natural weed killer for those who prefer not using toxic, cancer-causing chemicals.

The way borax works is by its high pH of about 9.5. Since most plants prefer a soil pH of 6 to 7, borax damages, or kills foliage.

To use dissolve one-fourth cup of powdered borax in a small amount of hot water. Add to a gallon of cool to warm water. Simply multiply the quantities of borax and water for larger areas.

Using a hand-held pump sprayer, spray the mixture on the area where the weeds are growing. Do not spray on desired plants. Borax is not selective. While some plants are not affected, many are, so error on the side of caution.

Dry borax powder can be sprinkled directly on weeds for faster results, but do not do this in a garden or area where water runoff could lead the borax to desired plants.

While a pump sprayer works best, a watering can with a sprinkler works just as well.

For more information on killing weeds and uses for borax:

Goodbye Weeds
Earthworms Reduce Weeds
Borax Uses For Termites

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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