Milkweed and Warts

Milkweed and Warts

Health Tip of the Day

People with warts have tried many remedies, including burying potatoes to modern-day freezing and burning off the pesky skin bumps. However, old-fashioned home remedies can, and still do, work for many. The common milkweed is one such cure.

Milkweed, an essential plant for monarch butterflies, contains a white, sticky fluid in its stem. This fluid is the home cure to remove warts.

Nicolas Culpeper’s Complete Herbalist, published in 1826, recommended milkweed to remove warts.

The milky sap can cause irritation on healthy skin. Still, a simple drop, placed onto a wart, 2 or 3 times a day, is said to help dissolve the wart within a few days to a week, depending on the size of the wart. One user reported that it worked on plantar warts too.

Try a simple, inexpensive remedy first before spending dollars for a treatment that may not work.

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2021

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