Deodorizing with Kitty Litter

Deodorizing with Kitty Litter

Cleaning Tip of the Day

Kitty litter can clear any home of disagreeable odors without toxic chemical sprays, plug-ins, and other products which just cover up the odors.

Unscented, non-clumping, clay-based kitty litter can deodorize a home quickly and with less expense than with synthetic chemicals.

Even a refrigerator can be deodorized by kitty litter.  Simply put some kitty litter in a small bowl or jar, with no lid, and place in the refrigerator.

Pour a layer of kitty litter in garbage cans and bags.  It will absorb liquids and stop other odors.

For smokers, a small amount of kitty litter can be poured into ash trays.  The kitty litter neutralizes the smoke odor and helps to snuff out the cigarette.

In basements or any room where mold and mildew is a problem, hang small bags of kitty litter.  Pour a small amount of kitty litter into orphaned socks, old pantyhose, or small bags made from handkerchiefs etc.  When the kitty litter becomes damp, replace with fresh litter.  If carpets are damp, pour crushed kitty litter on the damp areas.  Vacuum after several hours, or the next day.

Shoes can be freshened with small sachets of kitty litter.  Place a sachet in each shoe, or use one larger bag of kitty litter and place the shoes with the kitty litter sachet in a plastic bag and close tightly for a few days.

Any item that has an old, moldy, or disagreeable odor can be freshened by placing the item into a plastic bag, garbage bag, plastic tote etc. with small bags of kitty litter.

A kitty litter sachet can be hung in closets to keep clothes smelling fresh.  Replace once a month.

Scatter kitty litter in the bottom of diaper and garbage pails to offset bad odors.

Kitty litter in small boxes, jars, or other open containers can be placed in storerooms to prevent the stale, musty odors that always accumulate in these rooms.

Lastly, when dry kitty litter has served its purpose, recycle it in the cat litter box, or give to a friend who has a cat.

More kitty litter uses:

Odd Uses for Kitty Litter
Kitty Litter in Garden

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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