Garden Pests Natural Remedies

Garden Pests Natural Remedies

Gardening Tip of the Day

Few gardeners are aware that glass jars are an unusual method to keep rabbits, deer, and other curious animals out of the garden so vegetable plants can be left free of pests.

Whistling jars are one method used by old-time gardeners to keep their gardens pest free. Modern day gardeners can use this old-fashioned technique as well.

Using jars is one of the most common ways to preserve vegetables harvested from a home garden. When canning jars become cracked, have ragged edges, or are otherwise no longer safe for canning, they can become useful in the garden.

Place empty glass jars around the perimeter of the garden. The glass will reflect bright sunlight from the sun. The wind will blow across the opening and cause a whistling sound. Animals will avoid these annoyances.

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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