Refreshments at Garage Sales

Refreshments at Garage Sales

Offering refreshments at a garage sale can be very inviting. Planning, preparing, and conducting a garage sale is a big job! Anything that can attract customers, and make a few extra dollars, is worth doing as long as it isn’t a huge undertaking.

Children can sell iced lemonade with an old-fashioned lemonade stand. Coffee and tea are other alternatives.

An easy to sell snack that is easy to produce a profit is popcorn. Offer bags with a variety of popcorn flavored seasonings. Or, even better, a secret recipe spice combination that is distinctive from any purchased mix can be especially enticing.

If the local community ordinances do not allow homemade food to be sold at garage sales, offering the refreshments for free while the potential buyers browse, more sales can be made as customers will feel the need to buy something in return.

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Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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