Lower Appetite With Tea and Lemons

Lower Appetite With Tea and Lemons

Health Tip of the Day

Green tea is excellent for losing weight but adding lemon juice makes the tea even more effective. Green tea is especially beneficial for losing abdominal fat.

Lemons are a natural appetite suppressant. The citrus juice makes the antioxidants in the tea easier for the body to use.

Studies show that people drinking 3 to 5 cups green tea for 3 months lost 7.3 pounds more than those not drinking tea. Three to four percent more calories are burned daily in tea drinkers.

Studies show fat oxidation rate is increased when green tea is consumed 90 minutes before exercising. EGCG boosts metabolism and works best with the caffeine in tea within that time frame. Drinking hot tea has a higher caffeine content than iced tea.

Green tea also increases the hormones norepinephrine and dopamine, called catecholamines, which reduce the appetite.

For one cup of tea, steep 1 teaspoon loose tea leaves, or 1 tea bag, in 1 cup of water for 2 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and enjoy.

The benefits of green tea begin 30 minutes after drinking and lasts up to 90 minutes.

Black tea and white tea are also good for weight loss.

Read more:

Lemon and Tea for Weight Loss

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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