Repel Wasps with Coffee

Repel Wasps with Coffee

Health Tip of the Day

Wasps can be kept at bay with coffee grounds.  Using spent coffee grounds is a free means to keeping wasps away from a picnic, patio, or backyard party.

Wasps do not like the smell of coffee.  The quickest way to repel wasps is to burn dry coffee grounds. The grounds will not burn with a flame.  It is the smoke from the smoldering grounds that releases the scent that wasps dislike.

To use dry coffee grounds, place the grounds in a fireproof dish, aluminum pan, or even in a small make-shift container made from aluminum foil.  Place near the area where wasps are to be fended off.  Position in an area where small children cannot reach.

For those who do not drink coffee, coffee incense also is effective.

Not only do wasps not like the scent of coffee, there are two compounds in coffee, caffeine and diterpenes, that are toxic to insects.

Some people have found that even using small bowls filled with coffee grounds and placed around the area work as well as burning the grounds.

For additional benefit, sprinkle dry coffee grounds around the area where wasps are not wanted.

More uses for coffee in the garden:

Control Slugs with Coffee
Coffee for the Garden
Coffee in the Garden

More ways to repel wasps:

How to Lure Wasps Away
Repel Wasps With Lemon

Author Marilyn Pokorney
Copyright Marilyn Pokorney 2022

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